The ICDTM'24 is a conference intending to provide an opportunity to engage and appreciate diverse thoughts and analyses of the different issues focused on Digital Transformation (DT) through the lenses of strategic, organizational, and social perspectives. The special issue tries to put together academics, business management professionals, and experts from different disciplines to investigate these topics and debate their contributions to 4.0 future organizations. The target would be to reach the most effective organizational management practices for optimizing digital transformation initiatives and processes through the consideration of structure, technology, culture, and people, as well as fostering innovation and success in a challenging and turbulent environment.
Selected papers that have been presented at the conference will also be considered for further development and possible publication in the Journal of Information Technology Management ABS 1 (planned to be published in December 2024)
Submission deadline (full paper) 31.01.2024 via easychair :