
26/09/2022 Colloques, conférences et journées de recherche

Workshop on Information Security and Privacy (WISP) 2022 : Deadline extension = October 14th.

The deadline has been extended to October 14th. Acceptance notifications will be sent by October 21st to benefit from ICIS early bird registration fees if you wish to attend ICIS. NB: Registration fees for the WISP correspond to AIS member fees (around $200) and WISP fees $25 (PdD students) and $75 (academic), incl. coffees and lunch. Best Regards, Yves

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23/09/2022 Colloques, conférences et journées de recherche


Chers collègues, en raison d'un incident de serveurs mails ayant eu lieu cette semaine et impactant aléatoirement la reception des mails, il est possible que nous n'ayons pas reçu vos soumissions effectuées au cours de la semaine passée. Si nous n'avons pas accusé reception de votre soumission par email, merci de la faire de nouveau. Le comité d'organisation Anne-Laure DELAUNAY,…

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21/09/2022 Colloques, conférences et journées de recherche

Workshop on Information Security and Privacy (WISP) 2022

Bonjour, J'annonce un peu tard le WISP 2022. Je viens d'apprendre qu'il y aura un "fast-track to the AIS Transactions on Human-Computer Interaction". Toutes les informations sont dans le PDF attaché et accessibles ici : L'essentiel est ci-dessous : DEADLINE: Submit by September 30, 2022. Completed research and case study papers should be limited to 15 pages (including appendices…

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04/09/2022 Colloques, conférences et journées de recherche


Dear colleagues, Later this year, the EIASM network is planning the following workshops: --- 4th GAMOD - Workshop on Governance and Management of Digitalization “The Power of Digitalization in Making the World Smarter and More Sustainable” @EM Strasbourg - November 7, 2022 Chairpersons: - Laura Georg-Schaffner - University of Strasbourg, France - Michael Hilb -University of Fribourg, Switzerland…

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26/08/2022 Colloques, conférences et journées de recherche

2022 AIM Pre-ICIS workshop - call for paper

Dear colleagues, The 2022 AIM Pre-ICIS workshop will be held on December 10, 2022, in Copenhagen, Denmark. You will be able to rejoin the AIS’s ICIS, scheduled for December 9-14, 2022 (Copenhagen, Denmark). This year, the AIM pre-ICIS will take the form of a paper development workshop. You can submit your paper in French or English and present in any of these languages. The French AIS Chapter workshop is a fantastic…

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